Monday, September 27, 2010

Hands On History at Quaker Knoll Camp May 11-13 and 16-18, 2011

We are now accepting reservations for May 11-13 and 16-18, 2011.


MamaY said...

This sounds great! We would travel an hour and a half to be there, if we can. Is there a schedule of events or is this more self-guided? In other words, should we plan to be there from start to finish time? Also, would this be appropriate for PreK age? Do I need to make reservations? Thanks!

Shelley McClanahan said...

The program starts with a full group orientation followed by splitting up into groups to go to the various stations. Each station will be reached by the groups rotating through them. Each station will cover one or two topics in about 18-20 minutes.

Due to the distance many home schoolers come we generally start between 9 or 9:30, sometimes as late as 10. All families and groups need to start together so the start time will be set a few weeks in advance and distributed by e-mail.

To register please send me a comment with your e-mail so I can reach you. I will not publish the comment to protect your private information. Thank you!

Peggy Sue said...

I would like to register my 2nd grader and 4th grader for this event. Please let me know if there is anything else I need to do to do this...Thank you

Shelley McClanahan said...

Peggy Sue, please leave a comment with your e-mail address so I may reach you privately. I will not publish it, just contact you directly.